Thursday, March 17, 2011

Some Bad News and Some Good News..

First things first - the bad (ish) news - I have been put on a wait list for the September session at my school of my first choice. However, this actually sounds rather promising as they go through two wait list acceptance phases. The first phase is after applicants have either accepted or denied their applications. The second phase is after the due date for fee's passes. So, hopefully there's a few people that either deny my school of choice or forget to pay the fee by the end of June. I've been told I will hear as late at July if I am accepted into the September session.

The good news:

I've been accepted in the public relations program for the January - again at my first choice for colleges! So, though my dreams may have been put on hold for slightly longer than anticipated, I am  relieved to know that I'm not considered a complete knob on paper - unless it was my face-to-face interview that allowed me to be accepted for the January session!

Hoorah! Finally a wishbone that has been broken in my favor!


Mom said...

We are all very proud of you Ali. Love the pictures.
Love MOM

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work! Your an inspiration.